Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Zombie Make-Up Tutorial

I'm sure you have all dreamed of being a zombie! Eating brains for breakfast is the best way to start any morning, right? Zombies are such a huge part of our culture now, especially with t.v. shows like the Walking Dead and cult classics like Day of the Dead, Night of the Living Dead,etc., we need to represent our fandom! And there are so many ways to do it and places to exhibit your work that people are looking for ways to show their enthusiasm.

Well, if you haven't successfully reached the "other side" yet, don't worry, it's not a problem. I have a step-by-step tutorial that will help you to blend in with all the other bone-crunchers! I was lucky enough to take a monster make-up class with artist Shane Morton in Atlanta, GA. He offers one about 2 times a year and they are absolutely worth attending if you get the opportunity. 

So let's get this ball rollin'!

It probably took me about an 1hr. 15 min. to complete the look (and that includes the 20 min. dry time).

The things you will need: 
  • Hair Tie
  • Chapstick
  • Cotton balls or cotton lengths
  • Liquid Latex
  • A Paper Plate- for mixing latex and cotton
  • Face Paint- I use 2 kinds. A crappy set that you can get at any make-up store and Ben Nye brand.
  • Brushes- to apply face paint.
  • Water- To rinse brushes
  • Fake Blood
  • Barrier Spray

Step 1: Clean your face! That sounds kind of remedial and I'm sure you're thinking, "Duh." But just in case there are a few window lickers out there I am throwing in ALL the steps. So do it. Clean your face!

Step 2: Pull back your hair. You really don't want it to get caught in the latex or make-up.

Step 3: CHAPSTICK. "What?!" you say. Oh yes, chapstick will save your life! (I say get something flavorless, but mine is cherry flavored and it wasn't a problem). Chapstick creates a barrier between your skin, which has a ton of tiny little hairs, and the latex, which will rip all those little hairs out if you don't apply said chapstick. Basically, it's like ripping duct tape off your face. You'll thank me later.

Make sure you apply liberally all over the face, because we are going to be putting latex EVERYWHERE. Apply extra heavy on places like eyebrows, side burns, lips and chins.

 Step 4: Grab your paper plate, cotton balls or lengths and your liquid latex. This is what I was using. The "Shane Morton Zombie Skin" is just liquid latex, which you can buy online or at a Halloween/Costume store. Also, I prefer a length of cotton because it allows me more freedom and options to place disfigurations.

Now have a silly moment! :3

Ok, get back to work.

Step 5: You can be generous with the amount of liquid latex you use, but in my picture that was barely enough to coat a 1'' cotton length. You will need to make sure the cotton is very saturated or you won't be able to pull it and stretch to create the zombie skin. You will get the hang of it as you go! A good way to test the saturation of your cotton is to pull it apart and if there are still dry threads on the inside then you need to add more latex. 

Step 6: Start applying latex soaked cotton to your face. The goal is to distort your facial features to make it seem as if you have started to rot and decay. I begin on my brow because that is going to need many applications of cotton to create a sunken look to my eyes.

After putting a good layer on my brow I started working my way down my nose. Whenever you apply the cotton to your face don't just slap it on there and be done with it. Make sure to pull it apart and create holes and tears, this will give your skin to get the texture of a zombie's skin. And don't forget to smooth out the edges that meet your own skin. Don't be afraid to get really into it, pulling and pushing and creating weird patterns. The more you have going on, the more complex your zombie will look.

I wanted my nose to appear flat, as if it was sinking into my face, so I connected my nose to my cheek with a couple of pieces of cotton. I'm always looking for different ways to make my zombie (obviously they are not all the same!). In the future you may want to try other techniques, such as covering up an eye or making an eye look like it was bulging. After my nose I move on to the rest of my face. Just remember to keep pulling the cotton apart and connecting it to other parts of the face, it'll look like muscle and sinew when you put make-up over it.


As you start covering up your face you will notice that the latex on your fingers is starting to dry and turn into gross, gummy boogers. Just let it dry completely and then pull it off. It's just like when you were a kid putting Elmers Glue on your skin then letting it dry and peeling it off (or was that just me?). DON'T THROW AWAY THE LATEX PIECES. Save them on your paper plate and as you continue to add cotton onto your face experiment with adding the latex pieces for a change of pace. It will add another layer of depth to your make-up. Plus, why waste something if you don't have to?

Step 7: This was about where I was comfortable with moving on to the next step. I made sure to cover up all parts of my face. Let your latex dry for about 20 minutes. This will create a firmer surface to apply paint to.

Step 8: Now for the make-up! This was the generic stuff. I mainly used the white, black, pink and green, but feel free to try your own combinations! This was where I wished I was back in Shane Morton's Monster Make-up class. They were kind enough to airbrush your face with a base gray, but unless you have that kind of equipment you are going to have to apply it with brushes or sponges  (I prefer brushes). I started by mixing a bit of water and black into my white to create a deathly hue and begin to cover my face. 

As I go I start to fill in holes and crevices with a darker grey to create depth and variation. 

I wanted my eyes to appear sunken so I covered them with a dark grey/black. This will also make my brow a lot more pronounced.

I begin to add in spots of color (pink and green for a rotting flesh appearance). Some places look purple due to the mixing of the grey and the pink, but that's ok, just adds another dimension to your make-up.

Don't forget your neck and ears (or other exposed extremities). This is important to make your appearance complete. I skipped my ears for the sake of time and clean up.

Once you have your whole face covered, go back in with darker versions of previously applied colors. This creates more shadow and depth. You are a corpse after all. 

Then go back in with some highlights on prominent areas like the brow, nose and cheekbone. Try to get all the way to your hair line and then some.I added a bit of latex over my lip for effect, however, this did hinder speech after that (and drinking!) Liquid would make the latex peel right off, so I had a glass of water I was drinking with a straw haha.

Once you have a nice foundation we are going to add the Ben Nye (not to be confused with Bill Nye) make-up which was for creating cuts, brusies,etc. This is an oil based make-up and goes on thickly. 

I used the red and yellow in places that I wanted to look like infected flesh.

The green also gives off a good pallor when strategically placed. I wanted my lips to look like the skin had been torn away. Next time I may decide to make it appear as teeth instead of bloody flesh. 

I darkened up my eyes a little more and went to the edges with eye liner. I connected some of the places that looked torn for effect.

Step 9: Now it's time for the fake blood! It has the consistency of syrup (it's probably made from corn syrup)! Yum :) But the wetness adds a lot to your zombie. Now he's not some dried up bag of bones, but a rancid zombie who's got some fight in em'. 

Now I look properly gooey! 

Step 10: Not absolutely necessary, but if you plan on being a zombie late into the night give your face a light misting of this barrier spray and you will be good.

Now go be a badass zombie! 

*Grr. Snarl.*

To remove zombie make-up use an axe and..... JK! It'll peel right off (IF you properly applied the chapstick). If you are having problems removing it, just hop in the shower and scrub down and it will come off your skin and out of your hair with warm water and soap! 

I hope this tutorial was helpful! If you have any questions, feel free to ask. 
Much love <3 DK

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