Cosplay is a wonderful artistry that I am grateful to be able to take part in. It allows me a break from the every day, mundane life that plagues us all, but mostly it's just FUN! Who doesn't like to get a little weird sometimes?
There are many different types cosplayers (too many to name, that's for sure!), maybe you're a hobbyist that likes to dress up from time to time or maybe you are old hat and have been on the scene for 10 years. It could be that you don't have a lot of funds to support your habit, so your costumes are often made from found objects or perhaps you are lucky enough to be able to afford putting all your time and focus into making costumes. Maybe you are just like me, someone who works a regular job, has a family and other obligations and interests but who still enjoys cosplaying and the process to bringing a character to life, so you make time for your passion. It doesn't matter where you fall on that spectrum, we are all part of a community that loves to dress up and who take pride in what we do.
I've had a few weeks to mull over a situation that happened to me while competing in an online costume contest, which involved a 1st place prize of $150 and free tickets to future events hosted by the creator of the costume contest. And I shall impart my wisdom unto you, Young Jedis: This is my tale...
Everyone knows that at some point in your cosplaying career (and most definitely in your life) you will run across another person who doesn't agree with your point of view. That's just people being human. There's nothing you can do about it, so go ahead and accept it. However, there is a way to handle it (well a couple of ways), and my preferred method is one that keeps me from getting my hands dirty. Stooping to someone else's level just makes you look as childish as they are being. Never be afraid to defend yourself and what you believe in and if you believe that you are in the right, then that is all that matters in the end. And don't ever let those people control how you feel.
I had entered said costume contest, which only had two rules: 1) submit a photo of you in costume. 2) Get as many votes as possible. And the person with the most votes wins. Those are some pretty loose terms, which means it was an event open to many people and all types of costume-play. A person could submit themselelf in a Halloween costume, their niece dressing up for a play, or you in an outfit you bought off the internet, a commissioned piece or handmade costume, it could be anything really. There were no themes or direction of the contest, just to be in costume.
I spent a little bit of time deciding on which photo to submit, I wanted to win! Already people had started submitting entries and it looked like stiff competition. So I was going to find something that really stood out! I had recently gone to a photo shoot party where I was able to debut my Peter Pan cosplay and finally get some pictures of my hardly photographed Daria.
The two pictures I debated on using were both pictures of Peter Pan. Pan was a joint effort between my friend Natacha and I. Since I'm pretty new to sewing I required the assistance of a wiser wizard than myself. My outfits usually combine handmade pieces with already existing pieces, then add some ingenuity and sweat and you have a cosplay! Which is how I'll continue to make costumes until I acquire the skills to do it all from scratch! Together she and I made the tunic from scratch, I made the hat with felt, bought a belt from Goodwill and spray painted it, the knife I borrowed from my husband (a collector of all things sharp), I purchased the wig and had it professionally styled, and bought the tights and boots. All in all I considered it a good genderbend of Peter Pan and was very proud of it.
Option 1
Character: Peter Pan
Cosplayer: Daemonic K
Photographer & Editor: Winston Jeffrey Photography
Option 2
Character: Peter Pan
Cosplayer: Daemonic K
Photographer: Bohdi Tree Photography
The two photos are completely different from one another- duh, because photographers each have their own style-but both were awesome and show my costume in a different light. Winston Jeffery Photography has a unique style that involves adding backgrounds and editing with Photoshop to embellish the character and make it feel more whimsical. Bhodi Tree Photography highlights the cosplayer's already existing attributes and gives the photo a more life-like feel. I think both photographers captured the merits of Peter Pan well, but in the end I went with Option 1. The rules of the contest were simple, so I chose the photo that went above and beyond displaying my character and caught flack from other local cosplayers for it. *Still shaking my head*
Initially I was flattered. I was excited to have been noticed by another group of people because all publicity is good publicity right? But that soon turned to dismay as it went from one person giving an opinion on my costume to a group of people trying to disqualify my entry because "it didn't show the costumes details" and had been too heavily edited for their taste. -WHOA-
It didn't get crazy until I was fighting for 1st place with the person that had initially commented on my costume, whom we shall call Cosplayer X. So as it went, the group surrounding Cosplayer X - who actually had a beautiful leather costume made by hand and a picture similar to Option 2- got more and outrageous with their comments and more brave in their telling. Of course, you can't control what other people say, but you can take the high ground! I defended my costome/photo and it's merits and never backed down, nor did I sink to the level of picking apart Cosplayer X or her costume. What's the point? You can't change a person's character, but you can always improve your own. I also should mention that I had a TON of friends and family backing me up, which made me feel a lot better about the whole situation. They voted every day (you could only vote once per day/ per device) and stood up for me in the forums. The confrontation only lasted about a week and ended when the votes were tallied up and the contest over. My entry had beaten second place by 150+ votes and third place by a couple of hundred! I had won, which made my decision to not hurl insults back an even better one.
I guess what I'm saying is that... Haters Gonna Hate. Elitism absolutely exists in the cosplay world, which is sad, but be prepared to be challenged in one way or another Don't let them bring you down or change your perceptions of yourself. It takes time for cosplayers to evolve into what kind of cosplayer they want to be, so no matter where you are on that journey don't let others ruin it for you. . You are all cosplayers in my eyes. Keep up the good work. I'll keep learning and honing my skills and you should too!
<3 DK